Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 118: health and wellness

The camper needed a bit of TLC at the RV doctor today, and we used the time to get flu shots...not a fun event for any of us, but a big check on our to-do list. We settled into a new campground this afternoon, closer to Shenandoah National Park, which we'll explore tomorrow. This campground is in the heart of a family farm...200 head of cattle on many acres of grassy pasture, crops, a huge grain silo, and tractors galore. It's been in the same family for more than 150 years. When hard times hit them in the mid-'60s, they built the campground as a supplement to their farming livelihood...and have enjoyed the symbiotic success.

On the way to our site, we saw a mama cow and her young calf standing in a pen right beside the road. We soon learned that the baby was one hour old! She'd been delivered with the necessary help of a chain, and the farmer had warned bystanders that the baby was probably dead and the mother might not survive. How wonderful to have seen both of them, healthy and waiting to be released into the pasture, before hearing about their scary predicament just minutes earlier.

The only bad thing about this sweet place--no Internet, therefore no uploaded pics. Oh well. Actually, it's nice to see a place that has maintained its old-fashioned "flavor," not caving to the high-tech pressures of the surrounding DC suburbs. Hard to believe it's been snowing at home today; we're looking out on starry skies and clover-laden fields. Ahh--the stuff of sweet dreams!

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