Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 45: Oh, the Romance!

We celebrated our 15th anniversary with a rousing day of laundry, naps and haircuts...Be still, our beating hearts! The low-key day felt so good to all of us; it's easy for us to forget how the fatigue of this type of travel can build up. We did venture out of the campground for a wonderful dinner overlooking Canandaigua Lake. A big paddleboat, the Canandaigua Lady, was making her pass at the north end of the lake, while upwards of 30 sailboats cruised the middle. It was really beautiful.

A game of "20 Questions" has become our nightly routine at of us thinks of a place we've visited on the trip, and the rest of us ask yes or no questions until we can correctly guess the answer. We can't believe how many places have blended together in our trip history; it's a great exercise to pull them from the recesses of our brain and enjoy the memories all over again.

A campfire and s'mores rounded out the day. And Kendall enjoyed reading "Green Eggs and Ham" for the video camera. She's so proud of herself and talks of no longer being a "little girl." Now she's a "big girl like Kels" :-)

Tonight's photos: the waterfront of Canadaigua Lake, where we played before dinner and received some much needed doggie therapy, and our after-dinner campfire.


  1. Happy, happy Anniversary! What a beautiful place to celebrate it!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sending our love!
