Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 32: Parade of Homes

In the Buckeye state! We got Teensie settled in our next site, a little northwest of Cincinnati, and then drove northeast to Eaton. It's the town my dad's parents lived in during my growing-up years, and my family visited for a week nearly every summer. The girls were able to see the bank my grandfather founded in Eaton; its main building downtown was dedicated in his honor, not many months after his death, in 2003. I have vivid memories of meeting some of the Cincinnati Reds players in the lobby when I was Kelsey's age; they were at the bank for a marketing gig arranged by my grandfather. I know Sparky Anderson was one of them...I could never forget that name!

We also saw the home built by my grandparents when they moved to Ohio. It's a lovely place, although not very kid friendly back in my childhood...white carpet and couches, and pins in the carpet of my room (my grandmother's sewing room!). Still, I have many wonderful memories there: trying on my grandmother's "Cinderella slippers," which were just a pair of clear plastic shoes (I have no idea if she ever wore them herself!). And the kitchen chairs were on wheels and swivelled! My brother and I spent more time twisting and turning than eating. My grandmother was an accomplished pianist, and it's special to think that her piano, which once sat in her living room in Eaton, and on which I probably played some toddler concerts, is now in my home.

Next, we headed to the charming town of Oxford, home of Miami University, my dad's alma mater. My brother and his wife lived in Oxford for two years early in their marriage; it was fun to see their former home today, especially since it looks so pretty--almost as nice as when they owned it.

Maybe we'll have more luck tomorrow. We're excited to sleep with our windows open; it's our first evening that's below 80 degrees at 9pm. Let's hope it lasts!

The former home of my grandparents

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