Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 91: Perspective

A quiet day...lots of reflection as we watched the coverage of the services in NYC, Shanksville and Washington.
Lasting phrases:
"The terrorists hit the Trade Center and the Pentagon but they missed America."
"Many of the lives lost were taken, and others given."

Perhaps it's the emotional toll of the day, but we're feeling a bit down tonight...missing our house, and yet not wanting to lose ourselves in the day-to-day routine that seems to fall upon us back home in the "real world." Wondering what plans God has in store for, location, commitments, opportunities for growth, friendships and reconnecting. The trip is now at the halfway point, and we're simultaneously excited for what awaits us and a bit overwhelmed by all we've seen and done...we don't want to lose or waste the memories and lessons. The strong emotions and images on the television today help to restore perspective; our time together is priceless, and we're blessed to have the chance to pursue this crazy dream. It's already shaping us in unexpected ways; may it continue to do so for the rest of our lives, and may we not take any of our experiences for granted.

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