Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 87: yesterday boggy, today soggy

It was raining when we went to bed last night...and was falling steadily when we awoke this morning. It didn't stop for our southwesterly drive to Connecticut, and it's expected to continue through the night. There's a river at flood stage running alongside our new campground, but we've been told not to worry...that we're perfectly safe. So we'll try to ignore the growing pools of water outside Teensie. Thankfully, the forecast calls for drier days to come.

The rain did make for great napping conditions after we got the camper set up. But a bit of excitement made it hard to go to sleep; an arriving neighbor backed over his water spigot and nearly took out the electrical box with his motorhome. His mudflap was ripped off, a big gash put in the bumper, and we suspect there was some damage to the undercarriage. Stan helped him get off the water post, straightened out and reparked. Campground drama!

We plan to visit the US Submarine museum, just a few miles east of us, in the next day or two. In addition to its prize exhibit--the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered sub--the museum also contains a model of the "Nautilus" from the movie "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." We're watching that wonderful movie right now in anticipation of our time at the museum. And a little more rain, now or later, won't diminish our fun!

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