Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 165: Over and out

Happy Thanksgiving! Our day was the perfect end to an incredible trip. We enjoyed the Macy's parade while preparing the turkey, etc. Then it was play, play, play...with wonderful friends from home, the Israels. It was quite surreal being in Williamsburg with them and my mom; we kept looking out the window for Pikes Peak.

Mom flies home tomorrow, leaving us to the fun of packing up, hooking up, and pointing the truck westward. If all goes well, we'll reach the Springs on Tuesday. This evening we're thankful for so many, friends, our heritage, this incredible country, the sacrifice of our forefathers, the safety we've had on the roads, a secure job awaiting us at home. Our tummies are stuffed, and our hearts are full.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all of the post and pictures. It has been fun looking at them.
